Arlene Tapispisan

Director, Manufacturing and Financial Services
As Director of Financial Reporting and Accounting Services, Arlene leads a diverse team of accounting professionals providing comprehensive financial solutions to clients across multiple industries, including Information Technology, Media and Entertainment, Manufacturing and Distribution, Cannabis, Real Estate, SaaS, and Clean Technology and Renewable Energy sectors. Arlene is responsible for the overall leadership and strategic direction of her department, ensuring the delivery of exceptional client service and maintaining the highest standards of financial reporting and accounting practices. With over 25 years in finance and accounting, Arlene gained experience in Big 4 external audits, internal audit roles for transportation and logistics companies, end-to-end finance and accounting operations, and general management and administration roles.


7 Things About Running a Small Business That No one Talks About

Do you dream of running your own business? For many people, having the freedom to pursue their passion and work on their own terms is an important ambition. Being able to build wealth for yourself, not someone else, and follow your own interests sounds amazing.  But, the reality can often [...]