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May 2023

Retail Data Visualization - Scrubbed

Unlock the Power of your Retail Data with Visualization Dashboards

Accurate retail data and speed go hand in hand for a successful retail business, whether you’re brick-and-mortar or online. If you react too slowly, you can end up with unnecessary holding costs for excess stock or stockouts that cause you to miss out on sales and hurt your reputation. As a retail leader, it’s crucial to precisely track inventory and leverage real-time Retail Data to minimize waste and understand the financial impact of your decisions. With so much going on, staying competitive means having accurate and up-to-date information.

ESG - Keeping up with the Big 3 - Scrubbed

Keeping up with the ‘Big Three’ Disclosure Proposals

In today’s business landscape, it’s no longer enough for companies to focus solely on financial performance. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations are becoming increasingly important for investors and other stakeholders. As a result, ESG reporting is becoming a crucial aspect of corporate reporting.